一直很喜歡Weingut Künstler的Riesling,酸度夠之餘和果味、礦物味總是出奇地平?。之前喝的都是新鮮新年份。
多謝莊主Gunter Künstler在MasterClass 拿了那麼多舊年份的給我們見識陳年Riesling 的潛力。99年的一支口感複雜,酸度依然紮實充滿乾的桃子,蜂蜜和融合了的礦物味,十分柔和。
莊主在MasterClass 中更詳細解釋了不同葡萄園的風格,將在博客和大家分享。
Have been a fan Weingut Künstler’s Riesling because of it’s driness, its acidity is always in harmony with the fruitiness and minerals.
Thanks for Mr. Gunter Künstler , the owner of the Weingut Künstler, i had the chance to taste some back vintage Riesling, on palate it’s very complex wwith dried apricot and honey, acidity is still lively but became very elegant.
Mr. Künstler also shared with us the terroir, soil and wine style of his different vineyards, for details please stay tuned to my blog article.