於同一個試飲中酒庄代表Joel B. Payne 帶來了德國的Weingut A. Christmann Riesling。
此庄的Riesling 比較乾身,正合我意。入門版Riesling 2014 果味豐厚,酒體強中帶爽;
第二支Königsbacher Ölberg 村酒和第三支Königsbacher GG層次再高一級,Riesling 的花香,香梨,香草味相當明顯,而GG那支的餘韻更是超長。
Mr. Joel B. Payne, a very knowledgable wine writer, also the representative of the winery, brought us German Riesling from Weingut A. Christmann.
The three wines that Joel brought demonstrated the wide spectrum of their wines. From a fruit dominated and refreshing Riesling 2014 to a very complex Königsbacher GG, love it’s balance between acidity, fruitiness and minerality .