Chateau Tertre Roteboeuf的莊主François Mitjavile 第一次來香港, 這位智慧老人和我們分享了他的釀酒哲學。
最近時常聽人說《華嚴經》中那句:「不忘初心,方得始終。」Francois 就正正提醒了我們酒來自風土,風土是上天的賜予,好年份和差年份也是Terroir 的一部份,他就帶著這個理念做著這些順便天意的波爾多St Emilion葡萄酒。
無論年份是好是差,如何欣賞一支酒就如同怎樣看自己的人生,和我們身處的香港。莊主和 我們分享了的Chateau Tertre Roteboeuf ,Roc de Cambes 和 Domaine de l’Aurage
It’s a pleasure meeting the Grand Maester of Chateau Tertre Roteboeuf in Hong Kong.
Mr. Francois Mitjavile shared with us his philosophy in wine making. Having tasted different kind of wines these years, his sharing reminded us thay wine came from Terroir and the Terroir came from Mother Nature, no matter it’s good year or bad year.
Buddhism (Avatamsaka Sutra)said : “The very beginning mind itself is the most accomplished mind of true enlightenment.”. I saw this from how Mr. Mitjavile made his wine, and it should also applies to how we appreciate wine, and our life. The details on the tasting of Chateau Tertre Roteboeuf ,Roc de Cambes and Domaine de l’Aurage, I will share it in my blog article later.