快遊 Summerhill Pyramid Winery 酒莊

在Summerhill Pyramid Winery 的最後一日快完結,僅有半小時帶著孩子去酒莊找Wine Maker。

多謝年輕的Michael Alexander帶我們到莊內的設施參觀,包括各種酒缸、木桶和機器,特別是香檳釀造法的轉瓶機。


Thanks Michael Alexander, the young wine maker of the Summerhill Pyramid Winery for this very rush tour of the winery. Visited their wine making equipment including the barrels, tanks and the remuage machines for sparkling wines made with méthod champenoise.


雖未能與Michael Alexander一同試飲,不過非常感謝Summerhill Pyramid Winery酒莊特別安排速運了一箱酒到我Calgary 的家中,趕及我回香港之前可以拿走,實在貼心。

Michael 知道我喜歡Cabernet Franc, 為我推介2011 Cabernet Franc, Blanc de Franc 和兩支有Caberbet Franc 的Meritages Keter 和 OM (Bordeaux Blend)。

另外用Method Champenoise 的 Cipes Brut Blanc de Blanc 亦是我其待一試的。

另外他又挑選了幾款單品種葡萄給我試、包括 Viognier, Riesling, Merlot, Gewürztraminer和Pinot Noir。 最後他還加了一支Alive 紅酒,organic 全vegan 的,很想快點一試。

Thanks Summerhill for arranging the super express delivery from the winery to my home in Calgary, so that I can carry them back to Hong Kong.

Michael Alexander made we a “Winemaker’s selection”, including wines made with my favour grapes Cabernet Franc, their flag ship sparking Cipes Brut Blanc de Blanc and a mixed bottles of other single varietals that i have not tasted before like Viognier, Riesling, Merlot, Gewürztraminer and Pinot Noir.

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