這幾支西班牙Ramon Bilbao 來自Rioja Alta, Rioja的西面,地勢較高,酒的果味較鮮明,酸度夠,沒有太澎湃的感覺。
Craianza Rioja 2013 價錢及口感皆適合日常飲用;
Gran Reserva Rioja 2010以30個月美國桶加36個月瓶內陳釀, 酒體較重,果和味皆較強,適合陳年。
最欣賞的是限量版Crianza Edición Limitrada 2013 ,用特選的葡萄,14個月美+法桶再瓶釀10個月。濃郁的黑果加煙草香料味十分怡人。
Rioja Alta Located on the western edge of the region and at higher elevations than the other areas, the wines have relatively brighter fruit flavors, higher acidity and lighter on palate.
Ramón Bilbao Craianza Rioja 2013 is excellent for everyday drinking and the Gran Reserva Rioja got great aging potential.
The most impressive one is the Crianza Edición Limitrada 2013, 14 months in nee French and American oak with 10 months in bottle aging. Intense black fruit flavor and gentle spices, lot of complexity.
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