Day 1 – Summerhill Pyramid Winery
在Summerhill Pyramid Winery酒莊的Sunset Organic Bistro 餐廳晚飯,酒單上見到Cipes Blanc de Franc 2011, 估計應該是Cabernet Franc 了:
清爽之餘,乾果味濃,餘韻複雜。於是之後再叫了一個Knollvine Farm Cabernet Franc 2011。
中度酒體,酸果平衡,有很多花香和香草的味道。首次試加拿大的Cabernet Franc 令我喜出望外。餐廳非常照顧小朋友,有吃的亦有玩的。
Lovely dinner at the kids friendly Sunset Bistro Spotted the Cipes Blanc de Franc, a Champagne Method made Sparkling made with Cabernet Franc. Nice acidity, lot of spices and dried fruits. Later tasted the Knollvine Farm Caberner Franc 2011, first time tassing of a Canadian Cabernet Franc , suprised by its acidity, freshness and complexity.
Day 2 – Quails’ Gate
之前的蒸氣火車遊延誤了到達Quails’ Gate的時間,見不到酒莊之前安排了的釀酒師是可惜的。不過酒莊開放的地方也不少,我們自己四圍逛逛也很開心。
由於要駕車,晚餐在酒莊的餐廳除了酒莊送的一杯清爽的dry Riesling之外,只要了一杯The Boswell Syrah 2015 配襯主菜羊鞍。Syrah 是比較優雅的Rhone style , 酸度和香料味和羊味簡直是天作之合。
Stream Train ride at Kettle Valley delayed the visit to Quail’s Gate so i missed the wine maker. Tasted the Riesling by the house, it’s dry and elegant. As i need to drive so I only ordered a glass of the Syrah to pair with my lamb rack, Rhone-style with lot of herbs and spices, what a wonderful match.
葡萄酒再次給我們非常特別的體驗。因為如果不是要去酒莊,根本不會想到去Okanagan Valley 地區的Kelowna ??,因為根本不是什麼旅遊區。
這個地方我相當推介,因為其實有很多地方已經為旅遊業預備好,特別是小朋友。當然有大量酒莊仍然不歡迎小朋友留宿(除了我們住的Summerhill Pyramid Winery,但週邊的遊樂設施已經相當不錯:大片草地的公園比比皆是,大量野生動植物、餐廳全部都有兒童餐和high chair。單是Kettle Valley 的?蒸氣火車已經是值回票價。
Wine brought us a new adventure. Wouldn’t consider Kelowna as a family tour destination without Canadian Wine of Okanagan Valley. Well established tourist infrastructure, most of them are kids friendly(except most wineries refuse kids in guesthouse). Plenty of playground, wildlife and the most valued spot, Steam train ride at the Kettlevalley.