Coates & Seely Brut Reserve NV

Méthode Britannique釀造法的Britagne,究竟是一個產品的稱呼還是英國在受惠於全球暖化的影響下大展拳腳的啟示?

總之吸引到我買了。這支Coates & Seely的主人分別(又)是前銀行家Nicholas Coates 及 (又是)AXA Millésimes 的總裁Christian Seely在旗下的Pichon-Longueville晚宴上決定造一支Britagne

即是BRITAin 加上champaGNE,一支用香檳釀造法(他們稱之為Méthode Britannique)的氣泡酒。

事實是每次試英國的sparkling wine 也有不錯的感覺,好像這支整體來說十分工整,Chardonnay 之味很突出(65%),以青檸和西柚等果味為主,酒體亦足以盛載酸度。如果可以多點烤焢,味道,餘韻可以圓潤一點便足以比拼香檳了。





Using the name “Britagne” (BRITAin+champaGNE) is really eye-catching that i want to taste this British Sparkling wine made with “Méthode Britannique”.

Former banker(again) Nicholas Coates & Managing Director of AXA Millésimes(again) Christian Seely came up with the idea to make an English Sparkling wine

using Méthode Britannique (Méthode champenoise)during the Pichon-Longueville dinner .

In general, it is a refreshing, Chardonnay dominated(65%) , which is elegant , fruit driven, and balanced sparkling wine with high acidity, it would be even better if it is more toasty.

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