阿根廷酒亮點有兩個,首先是Malbec,源自法國的葡萄來到阿根廷這片Terroir如魚得水,將這個品種發揚光大:第二是高度。海拔千一米高度的Terroir 造出果味濃厚,而且酸度活潑的Malbec。今次和Cheval des Andes 的釀酒師Lorenzo PASQUINI一同體驗他們安底斯山脈下的Malbec,首先是Terrazas de los Andes的Reserva Malbec,率直的Malbec 果味,成熟而充滿香料。重頭戲安底斯山上的白馬-Cheval des Andes 2002。加了56% Cabernet Sauvignon和一點點Petit Verdot後比純Malbec結構更穩重,果味、單寜和酸融合成優雅而複雜的口感。老實說以為是名牌子的行貨出品,但試過之後的令人驚訝,真是一支有高度的酒。
It was a pleasure meeting Mr. Lorenzo PASQUINI , the Technical Manager and winemaker of Cheval des Andes to taste their wines, the wines with altitude! They believe that 1100 m is perfect for Malbec, in fact I found the vivid, intense flavors through tasting their Terrazas de los Andes Reserva Malbec. Even more surprised me was the Cheval des Andes 2002 with the moderation of 56% Cabernet Sauvignon and a little bit Petit Verdot, the wine was surprisingly complex, accompanied by sweet spicy nuances. Full-bodied, with soft tannins and a fleshy palate.
#argentinewine #andes #terrazasdelosandes #chevaldesandes #wineofaltitude #1100m #malbec #altitudeisimportant #winebottlesketch