如果Clos L’Eglise是一位優雅的淑女,Chateau Poesia Saint Emilion 就是豪邁而不拘小節的女生。那麼她們在在阿根廷Mendoza 的 Bodega Poesía 就是一位充滿陽光氣色,背著背包闖蕩世界的女生。多謝Hélène 再次來港和我們分享兩個地方的出品,兩者皆礦物味明顯,果和酸豐富,不同的是St Emilion 的找到一點Cabernet Franc 的香氣而Mendoza的是果香為主。有興趣的不妨到這個星期的Vinexpo 2018 三樓展位ST76去試試。
Thanks Hélène for coming to share both of her wines, one from St Emilion and the other is from Mendoza of Argentina. If the Clos L’Eglise is an elegant lady, the Chateau Poesia St Emilion would be an easygoing and cheerful girl, whereas Bodega Poesia Mandoza would be a sunny backpack girl who travels around the world. To taste their wines, you can find them in Les Grands Chais de France stand at Level 3 Booth no. ST76 during the Vinexpo 2018.