這是首次在酒展見到阿塞拜疆的葡萄酒,官方資料找到不多,只是Google找到零零碎碎的。原來又是一個已經造了葡萄酒幾千年的地方(公元前二千年),據說在蘇共統治下開始衰落,蘇共解體後才重新發展。當地屬大陸性氣候,東臨裏海,西面和北面有高加索山脈作屏障,5個主要的酒區就是集中在高加索山下和Kuri河兩岸的Kur-Araz 低地。
原來阿塞拜疆的西北面就是格魯吉亞,怪不得他們也有用Rkatsiteli和Saperavi等原生葡萄,而其他品種也甚多。試飲後覺得酒的,果、酸、質都不錯,而且很平衡,葡萄品種甚廣,白的試過原生的Bayanshira,Rkatsiteli,Muscat, 還有Chardonnay。
紅的主要是試了本地品種Madrasa。幾支Madrasa 的酒精和單寧都屬中高,不過較Saperavi柔和,輕身一點,不過當然,複雜性和風味也少一點。最後有支Pinot Noir, 有趣,似一支我喝過的葡萄牙Pinot。
First time meeting Azerbaijani wine in wine fair, not much information found in the leaflet, just found something in Google. Azerbaijan had a thriving wine industry that dated back to the second millennium BC, until the communist rule.
The wine industry tried to revive themselves since the fall of Communism and the restoration of Azerbaijani independence.
Azerbaijan vineyards are found in the foothills of Caucasus Mountains and the Kur-Araz lowlands near the Kura River.Tasted several Azerbaijani wines made with different grape varieties, the wine quality is good, well balanced between acidity tannin and body.
Bayanshira,Rkatsiteli and Muscat are indigenous grapes and also international grapes like Chardonnay. For red, the most impressive one was Madrasa, it has generous alcohol and tannins but it’s more gentle than Saperavi.